Saturday, March 7, 2015

Last Leaf in Winter

It has been a while since I have updated this blog.  Life has been busy for me, but like this leaf, I am still hanging on!  Expect to see a whole bunch more in the coming weeks, and feel free to follow or comment below to let me know what you think!

This cinemagraph was created using footage from my free stock footage blog, Beachfront B-Roll.
The specific clip used, "Last Leaf", can be found in the post "1 Free Stock Footage Clip Forgot To Fall"

To reduce the main page loading times, the Cinemagraph can be previewed and downloaded in various resolutions by clicking "read more" below.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


I wanted to make sure to get this up and out to you before you start writing all of those Halloween articles.  This one is nice and subtle, but creates a great ambiance.  I almost wish the original clip have a candle flame that flickered a little more, but overall I think the effect here is nice.  Hope you can use it!

This cinemagraph was created using footage from my free stock footage blog, Beachfront B-Roll.
The specific clip used, "Jack-O'-Lantern", can be found in the post "2 Clips for all of you 'Weeners"

To reduce the main page loading times, the Cinemagraph can be previewed and downloaded in various resolutions by clicking "read more" below.

Thin Smoke

One can argue that this "technically" isn't a cinemagraph.  When compressing to an .gif, the other small bands of smoke were lost, so I abandoned then to leave this single thin strand.  I thought I would still include it, because it may be very useful for those of you who write/blog about smoking or health.

This cinemagraph was created using footage from my free stock footage blog, Beachfront B-Roll.
The specific clip used, "Thin Smoke", can be found in the post "2 Stock Footage Clips are Presented Secondhand"

To reduce the main page loading times, the Cinemagraph can be previewed and downloaded in various resolutions by clicking "read more" below.